Instructions on how to play There Bingo: The numbers above will indicate each meaning of the player’s page.

  1. Game:
  1. This is where we show the Progessive Pot (Jackpot). This will indicate the bonus number to match.
  2. This pot is cumulative and allows you to win extra money. To win the call number must be the number that completes your bingo.

2. Round:

  1. This will tell you what round we are currently on and tell you the pattern to match with your card
  2. Match the light grey blocks to your card.

3. Card:

  1. Every player receives one (1) free game card. When you get your card, you will receive a free space to start off with.

4. Sponsor: Each week or whenever bingo is hosted, we have a sponsor to that wishes to donate therebucks for the event. We provide a picture for support. Click on the image to visit the location

5. Dabber Colors:

  1. You are able to choose your own dabber color without having it affecting your nametag color. By default the color will match your nametag the nametag color you chose when you first registered.
  2. There is also an option to use a secondary color, if you choose to highlight the winning pattern in some way.

6. Call Numbers:

  1. This is where the numbers that are called, show up.

When you have bingo, please press the “Call Bingo” button. If you don’t have a BINGO it will give you a notification telling you that you don’t have a BINGO.